

Read more on Explaining Probate

Explaining Probate

What is probate? Probate in short is the court procedure for 2 things: Official approval of the will by the court as the valid last will of the deceased Appointment of the person (or persons) who will act as the executor of the estate It is the court process that gives the executor (or executrix)…

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Read more on Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax

Vancouver Real Estate & Capital Gains In Vancouver Real Estate - many home sellers have made a lot of money on their homes or Real Estate investments. The big question is will you be charged Capital Gains? "In simple terms, a capital gain is an increase in the value of an investment (such as stocks…

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Read more on What is a WETT Inspection?

What is a WETT Inspection?

Buying a House in Vancouver? Some people may want to perform a WETT inspection. WETT stands for Wood Energy Technology Transfer. The WETT inspection includes a very thorough inspection of wood burning appliances - typically fireplaces. What exactly is included in a WETT inspection? A WETT inspection is an inspection that must be conducted by…

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Read more on Vancouver Real Estate & Politics

Vancouver Real Estate & Politics

Election time; Foreign Tax, Vacant Tax, Property Transfer Tax, Property Taxes up 40%, Tax, Tax, Tax.... The last 365 days in Vancouver Real Estate has seen quite some changes. This "crisis" as the politicians like to call has lead them to tax the heck out of Real Estate to "protect" the citizens. Really? Taxing Real…

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