

Read more on Assessed Value VS. Market Value In BC

Assessed Value VS. Market Value In BC

Every year, you get a letter from BC Assessment that states the assessed value of your home. But property owners are often let down when they receive their BC Assessment letter; if the value is lower than expected, they fear that this price is what their home would actually sell for.  Here’s what many sellers…

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Read more on Property Taxes In Vancouver

Property Taxes In Vancouver

It’s that time of year again: Tax time. Each year, your property taxes increase. That’s why you need a property with a growing market value to outpace it. Is it time to sell your home and search for a new investment opportunity? You pay your taxes as required, but you might not know how they’re…

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Read more on What is a Material Latent Defect in Real Estate?

What is a Material Latent Defect in Real Estate?

What is a Material Latent Defect? As defined by BCREA, a material latent defect means a latent defect that cannot be discerned through a reasonable inspection of the property, including any of the following: a defect that renders the real estate dangerous or potentially dangerous to the occupants, unfit for habitation, or unfit for the…

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Read more on NEWS: Vancouver awards $71 million contract for Coal Harbour waterfront school and social housing
TagsReal Estate

NEWS: Vancouver awards $71 million contract for Coal Harbour waterfront school and social housing

Recently the Vancouver City Council confirmed a $71M contract to build a new complex for Coal Harbour waterfront school and social housing. As Vancouver becomes more populated, our city must create new developments to meet the demands of the population.  This exciting new development will include a Coal Harbour elementary school, daycare and social housing…

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