

Read more on Foreign Buyer’s Tax and What To Expect
TagsArticles, foreign seller vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver Real Estate

Foreign Buyer’s Tax and What To Expect

Foreign Buyer's Tax and What To Expect First of all what is Foreign Buyer's Tax? It is part of Bill 28, explained below. Bill 28, the Miscellaneous Statutes (Housing Priority Initiatives) Amendment Act, 2016, came into force on August 2, 2016. The law was introduced after calls urging the British Columbia provincial government to intervene in the…

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Read more on Information for Foreign Sellers

Information for Foreign Sellers

Information for Foreign Sellers and the Taxes that are included... The tax rate for homeowners in Vancouver has drastically gone up over the past several years. We have another blog post which you can view here, that touches on the new Speculation Tax & Empty Homes Tax. In this post we are going to specifically…

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Read more on Selling Vancouver Real Estate as a Non-Resident

Selling Vancouver Real Estate as a Non-Resident

Are you a non-resident selling a Vancouver home? This is a must read In Vancouver Real Estate residential conveyancing (Selling as a non-resident), there are many circumstances in which funds must be retained/heldback in trust after the property has sold, most of them by agreement between the parties. None, however, is more onerous on sellers…

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